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Training is NOT negotiable.


From shaping or defining our body, to improving our mood due to the substances that are released when we exercise.

Training is giving quality years to that older adult that we all carry inside, where patience is essential in this process, because we will not see results in the short term.

We strengthen our bones, avoid osteoporosis, decrease insulin resistance as well as blood pressure, increase intestinal transit, improve aerobic resistance and even better cope with everyday situations because it is also therapeutic.


Every person who trains knows what I'm talking about and is very grateful to himself for having started, because the benefits and years gained are priceless. Obviously, we do save by not buying medicines by recovering our health together with nutrition.


The million dollar question: Cardio or weights to lose weight? 

I can answer you as follows: The first thing is food. The second thing, what do you prefer: something that makes you help you lose fat during your execution or, all the time including rest? If you prefer the second, weights is your thing.


Request your 100% personalized routine, designed just for you by a professional.




Rommel Gutiérrez Tórrez


(+505) 8855 4614 

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