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Here you will learn to eat to achieve your goal

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Hello how are you!​

I am Dr. Hellen Araya Parrales, Nutritionist, creator of the "Let's learn to eat" method whose main objective is that you be a patient with enough knowledge in nutrition to know how to cook, combine your food and know your portions to achieve your goals and that are sustainable over time.

Likewise, you will increase your self-esteem and security, you will recover your physical and mental health, you will have an excellent relationship with food and you will fall in love and value your process.


What will you receive?


Initial assessment

I will learn about your eating habits and your measurements, as well as performing laboratory tests for a comprehensive diagnosis.


Personalized eating plan

For the realization of it I will take into account your preferences, intolerances and your budget to achieve sustainability.


Tracking app

This app will give you lots of recipe ideas and will have your custom settings to see your progress curves.


Suggested Products Catalog

In this catalog I will present images of products as well as sales positions to facilitate the purchase process.



Because my NutriPatients are the ones with the most knowledge about Nutrition for their daily life, you will have access to 8 videoconferences on Carbohydrates, Fats, Cooking Techniques, Nutritional Labeling and more.

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 Personalized attention

If you have any questions, you can write to me from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturday from 9am to 1pm.

Podes ser mi paciente si buscas:

  • Comer saludable

  • Mejorar tu composición corporal (Bajar grasa corporal y/o incrementar masa muscular)

  • Controlar Diabetes, Síndrome de Ovarios poliquísticos, Hipertensión, Artritis, Estreñimiento, Gastritis, Síndrome de colon irritable, etc.

  • Revertir síndrome metabólico, colesterol alto, ácido úrico, o hígado graso.

  • Mejorar tu rendimiento a través de la nutrición y suplementación.

  • Evitar el sobrepeso en el embarazo.

No podés ser mi paciente si:

  • Sos menor de 2 años

  • Vivis con Enfermedad renal crónica en diálisis

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Enjoy the well-being you deserve


Register for free and you will find up-to-date, easy and practical information to improve your eating habits for you and your family.

Personalized tracking

Access to exclusive recipes

Online Consultations

Patients who said yes to the change in their life


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

Maria Gabriela Parrales.png

Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

Meraris Jarquín.png

Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

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Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

Bárbara Michelle.png

Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

Luz Marina Pichardo.jpg

Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

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Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

Luz Marina Domínguez.jpg

Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

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Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...


Managua - Nicaragua

Maria Gabriela Parrales


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

Damaris Gutiérrez.jpg

Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua


I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

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Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua

Gerald Vásquez.jpg

I have always been a thin woman in the eyes of others, from a very young age I had bad eating habits, I ate fried food...

Maria Gabriela Parrales

Managua - Nicaragua

  • ¿Es mejor la consulta en línea o presencial?
    Si tu objetivo es comer saludable y mejorar tu composición corporal, la modalidad de trabajo no importa, ya que el éxito depende de tu apego al plan.
  • ¿Qué necesito para un plan nutricional en línea?
    Aparte de estar dispuesto a organizarte y a cambiar tus hábitos, necesitas conocer tu peso, estatura y un centímetro para realizar unas medidas de tu cuerpo.
  • ¿Cada cuánto son los seguimientos?
    Depende del caso, pero en general los seguimientos son cada 4 semanas, es decir 1 vez al mes.
  • ¿Cómo puedo agendar una cita presencial en Managua?
    Enviá un mensaje o bien podés llamar al 86728580 para darte tu espacio.
  • ¿Cuáles son las formas de pago?
    - Efectivo - Tarjetas de débito / crédito - Transferencias (BAC, LAFISE, BDF, BANPRO) - Western Union / Remitly / Xoom / etc.

The most effective plan to achieve your goals. 


Throughout my years as a Nutritionist I was able to identify that all my patients who achieved their goal have received my advice for a period of 3 months, so all online plans have this duration since it is the ideal time to create eating habits healthy and sustainable.

At the end of the 3 months you will already know your portions of the different food groups and combine them to enjoy them with full awareness.

Individual plan online 


90 days 

  • Personalized nutritional plan. 

  • 8 videoconferences on Nutrition 

  • 3 queries online 

  • Tracking app.

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MED BIO Clinic

Corporate Building First 5 Floor Villa Fontana

Managua Nicaragua


+505 8672 8580

+505 8844 0460


Dr. Hellen Araya

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